Make sure you use my link to sign up for Only Fans:
I have no doubt that you guys all probably think this is going to be easy…
“Take random pics of your tits and throw em on the internet”…watch the cash come rollin in.
Its not like that.
Not unless you like being lazy with barely any followers.
To be good, it’s hard.
It takes time and most importantly effort. Even the most successful OF Creator doubts themselves and panics on every single monthly anniversary bc you just KNOW you are gonna lose some followers.
It’s just how it is.
However, if you prepare, organize and utilize everything at your disposal…you WILL make good money on Only Fans.
Yes, even with the monthly ups and downs.
I have a background in hair, make up, marketing and photography and I’ve also owned several very successful businesses….so I absolutely have an advantage over the typical OF creator. Which is exactly why I decided to write this to help anyone feeling overwhelmed.
I approached this much like my other corporate projects…with a shit ton of research, many looong sleepless nights and a fuck ton of coffee!
I’ve done quite well in a short amount of time and I’ve also had a lot of success fixing other peoples OF’s, to make them more profitable….soooo it’s safe to say I have a fairly decent handle on all this.
Below is a list of shit I wish I had known before I started my Only Fans. I really hope this helps you!
If you need any additional help after reading this, PM me on my free Only Fans: or email me:

As silly as it sounds, start by getting a new hard drive (you will need it!).
I made the mistake of using my work one bc it had plenty of room left, huge mistake bc there was nudity and company files all blended together. (Took me 2wks to sort it all! uggg)
If you’ve done this, already have a good one or can’t afford one yet then proceed to making really organized folders on your computer.
Here is a sample of how mine are outlined:

Month & Year
— Shoot Theme/Name
(I name ALL of my shoots to make them easy to remember)
— Edited
Here is an EXACT example of one of mine:
Oct 2022
– Freddy Got Fingered
— Edited

Full Body
Cute Pics
Bare Feet
Socks & Stockings

Teasers (Less than 3mins)
– Boobie Stuff
– Butt Jiggles
– Smoking
Pleasers (3mins+)
– Foreplay
– Masturbation
– Misc Vids
(Organized like Teasers are in above section)
Full Length Vids & Sets
– Solo
– B/G G/G (Girl/Girl Boy/Girl)

Logos & Banners
Sales & Promotions
Menu & Pricing
— TikTok
— Twitch
— YouTube
— Halloween
— Christmas
Make sure to create a solid foundation for your folders with PLENTY of room to grow. Even if it seems like you’ve narrowed things down enough, take a second look to make sure. I had to change mine several times in order to finally figure out the structure above.
There is no such thing as too organized!
Especially once you’ve been doing this a while and have thousands of images & videos! You WILL lose money if this isn’t done well.
Here is an example of why this is important:
- Say you get a new subscriber with a fishnet fetish. He’s wants to buy all your fishnet content right now. Not socks, not pantyhose, not feet…..only fishnet material. Unless you have your folders broken down that specifically you may have a hard time finding all of that category quick enough to make that sale.
You could also make folders for Social Media Promos, Twitter Teasers, Contests, Main Feed Videos etc etc. There are tons of ways you can sort your content.
Also, I sell customs, both with and without an exclusivity fee attached depending on the situation. If you start doing this and post an exclusive video right on your feed 3 months after you made it for a client, they could get upset bc that was their video. I keep all my customs separate to avoid this ooops.
Just make sure to organize when you start and stick to it!
Now you want to spend some time going through alllllllllll your old photos & videos.
Like eeeeevvvvverything.
Dig through your facebook, computer, instagram, old phones etc and grab anything you can to use as filler. For example, my tits look the same today as they did yesterday and the same as a year ago. So close up cleavage/body part style pics could have been taken anytime….and subs will never know, or care honestly.
Sort any that you find into the folders mentioned above.
Make ALL matching social media accounts!!!
If you already have a social account that you use for anonymous content, use it. If you have a former dancer name, nickname, gamer tag or something else that has a following already built in, use that.
Your username should match EVERYWHERE for best results!!!!!!!
You can update your username on a platform that you already have. So change your account names, make new accounts….whatever you can do to keep it exactly the same or similar is ideal for building brand awareness and continuity.
It also makes it easier for search engines to find you….aka more followers.
For example; On Instagram, TikTok and Reddit I am: Jenna_Starlight
My subreddit, fetlife, patreon and my main only fans are: JennaStarlight
Then my email, facebook and my main website are: JennaStarlightOfficial
Twitter is starlight_jenna (I did this last and my preferred user name wasn’t available bc people WILL take your user names after you get a little popular)
Lastly I have JennaStarlightFree which is my free only fans as well as my name on some BDSM sites. (bc it’s easier to get them to make an OF account by saying it’s free right there in the title!)
Not doing this is one of the biggest mistakes you can make!
Lastly I will add, please DON’T change it after you get it all going! Check all the sites for availability before you commit. Luckily OF will let you change both your username and screen name as many times as you like. However, other sites aren’t so flexible.
Someone I know absolutely destroyed their OF following by changing their name over and over. It made their page look fake/hacked and they lost all rapport with existing followers bc people didn’t recognize all the random names. Consistency IS important. Remember that.
I suggest at the bare minimum you should make:
* 2 Only Fans accounts, 1 free and 1 paid. (Same name, just distinguish them somehow. Again, I think it’s smart to add the word free to it bc that makes it obvious). Start these first since the verification takes some time. Make sure to check availability EVERYWHERE before you kick this off.
* A reddit account. Start this ASAP because you have to build karma to be able to really post and use the site to its full extent.
* An Imgur account in order to host your reddit images. Click HERE to make one of those.
* A new email account.
You also need to have:
Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat & a Facebook Page (Yeah I know Facebook pages aren’t as trendy, but my first 20 – 30 paid subs came from FB…sooo yeah, do it anyway).
While waiting on approval for your new OF you need to focus on 3 things;
Brand awareness, continuity and content creation.
We’ve touched on some of this above but in the next section we are going to see how and why it’s important to apply these 3 things from here on out to guarantee you have the best chance at success.
To kick off ALL your new social platforms, make sure each one is complete…ie has a profile pic, banner, links, bio, contact info, descriptions etc.
In particular, actually spend time on your OF bio/description and be thorough. Tell them about yourself & your content. I think it’s a good idea to mention your general body type; this can be general terms like curvy or athletic or you can do exact measurements. I would also mention things like tattoos or body mods if you have that.
Go look at mine if you need inspiration, it’s public so you can see it even if you aren’t subscribed.
I am going to dive more into social media posting, generating hype and using other platforms to build brand awareness in Section 2: Launch, but first let’s discuss auto-posting and how you can set your Only Fans to run on auto while you are building a following on other platforms. Which is a critical part in generating a following on OF.
The autopost feature of Only Fans is by far the absolute BEST resource for building continuity and getting ahead of your audience. It allows you to look active even when you aren’t, so use this to your advantage every chance you get.
The second your Only Fans accounts are approved start uploading some future autoposts from your archived images (that you hopefully have already organized as I mentioned above). I suggest giving yourself a buffer of at least 3-5 days before you launch to start your scheduled autoposts. Meaning, decide on the exact day you are going public with announcing & promoting you OF. Then 3-5 days before that date, start scheduling your content for launch day and beyond.
On your main Only Fans account (paid one) I suggest scheduling a minimum of 1 autopost per day on week days and 2-3 per day on Fri, Sat and Sunday to start with. Depending on how much content you’ve managed to get together of course.
Focus on scheduling auto-posts for your main account first!
I do NOT suggest posting videos or explicit content right away. Wait a month or so to kick that off.
On your FREE account, auto post generic selfies without nudity!!!
Do NOT even give them 1 nipple for FREE on your free account!!!! Not at first anyway.
You can add content for sale & PPV messages on your free account later but start with simple selfies so people can see what you look like & to prove you are who you say you are. This will help them decide if they want to subscribe to your main account or not.
Running Late?
If you are running behind getting followers, edit your queue so that you postpone some of your autoposts. (Click on the home button, top left and switch view to queue. Then click upper right corner of scheduled post to edit) You don’t want pics dropping without followers on your page, because that’s a quick way for your page to look dull…tons of posts with no likes.
Start with your favorite picture as your 1st post (also make this your profile photo and/or banner image for now, crop them if you need to). You should start with the same exact image on every single account you make for your new alter-ego.
This will help generate brand awareness and recognition across ALL of your new platforms.
There are a couple types of auto-posting available. You can set by date and time (my favorite) and you also want to set some as “save for later” which will autopost them at time intervals after your last upload. It’s good to always keep a few in “save for later” especially once you get going. It helps cover your ass in case you skip a day or two by mistake.
While building hype on other platforms and scheduling autosposts for Only Fans you also need to make time to shoot new content.
So let’s discuss equipment & the best way I found to do new content…
To start with all you really need at the bare minimum is a VLOG ring light and a cell phone with a decent camera. I started with a Galaxy A21 and a $30 ring light from walmart.
Take 30% out of EVERY single $100 cash out and spend it on something that will make your content better/easier. You HAVE to invest in this to be able to do it long term as an actual job!!!!
This can mean buying more equipment, better equipment, increasing your wardrobe, buying new sex toys, buying panties to sell, getting a pedicure, buying a wig, new shoes etc etc etc.
(I plan to add an advanced Tips & Tricks page with my current equipment list and Tips for users that are past the beginner stuff. I will link that here & also in my page tabs when it’s done.)
My advice for your 1st shoot is to do what I call Grays. Grays are super generic pics that are intentionally taken quickly to act as filler, which basically means they will fill space in order to boost your content numbers and have your pages look VERY active (AKA less new) when you first start out.
They also help give you a bit more time to focus on marketing, promoting and making high dollar sellable content bc you can use the Only Fans autopost feature to queue up several months worth of filler content quickly. This will give you time to make actual content to start sprinkling in.
Which is why I still use this method even now!
I also suggest that during this time you shoot what I call Pinks…which are basically exactly the same as Grays, except they are xxx or more risque filler photos.
In order to knock these outta the park quickly and easily, I suggest getting one of these:
They work fairly well, just be careful when you 1st put it together, the phone holder can break fairly easily bc it’s shitty plastic. I suggest not breaking it down over and over to store it bc it’s not travel friendly as it seems. I am going to go more in depth about equipment later. Click here to jump to that section now.
Include selfies both with & without nudity sprinkled in to some of your more risque content.
- Gather a bunch of bras, panties, sexy shirts, lingerie, slinky dresses, fishnets, tall socks etc. etc.
- Do your hair & make up. Start with something super simple, that way you can build it up as you shoot to make it look like these were all shot on different days. (Yeah brilliant I know lol)
- Pick a few generic locations in your home. Such as any plain walls (white preferably), fireplaces, doorways, near a window, on your bed, backyard etc. I say generic bc its easier to make it look like different days if the backgrounds you have typically don’t change much. (For example if you shoot 10 outfits in front of your bedroom mirror, and your floor has the same exact pair of shoes on it, everyone will notice that it’s an old pic, shot the same day as the other 9)
- Another way to do this, and my prefered (bc it’s faster) is to use a backdrop. I only had 1 when I started, which I was using in a different area. So I bought a king size flat bedsheet and duct taped it to my wall! I have since added new ones, so I can change the colors out by lifting one out of the way. The reason I do this instead of just shooting in front of the wall is for 2 reasons; 1. bc there actually wasn’t a blank wall space available in the room I wanted to do this in when I started (was in front of 2 closets) and 2. bc it gives me more options with colors.
- Now, this step is optional, but I prefer to line outfits up from lightest to darkest so that as I increase the brightness/darkness of my makeup it coordinates with my outfits.
- Throw on a some stuff and take pics. I have a general rule for Grays which is that I am not allowed to spend more than 3mins per look. It’s easy to get carried away trying to nail a perfect shot, but it doesn’t need to be perfect bc these are Grays, not actual shoots.
- Focus on stuff like headshots with cleavage, just your booty in cute shorts, torso and up or knees and up. Get a variety of different camera and body angles. If you aren’t accustomed to shooting, you may not know what works best for your body type and/or for a specific outfit etc.
- As you shoot, remember to adjust your lip color, eyeshadow, accessories, jewelry and also your hair during.
Lifestyle pics are great filler. For example; wrapped in a towel after a bath, pics of your toes while you do your nails, cleavage pics with a martini while you are out to lunch with friends. Etc etc. Have fun with it!
Keep in mind EVERYTHING I said above bc it applies to this also.
- Pull out all your clothing items like what I mentioned above. In addition to that, pull out allllllll your toys and other accessory items such as nipple clamps, rope, tape etc.
- Same as above, do hair and makeup
- Generic locations for pinks can be anything from your bed to the bathtub, couches, chairs etc. You can also shoot these the way I mention above, as long as your back drop is long enough for you to sit/lay down….or you could move a chair there to help. You can also lay flat sheets on your bed and change them out during so it looks like a different bed.
- Start with doing several nude/topless/bottomless/faux masturbation pics. Same rules as above, but also grab some close ups. (of course ALL of this is determined by what you are comfortable with). Starting with these kind of shots before putting on undergarments is important bc then you won’t have weird clothing indentations (Some people like that tho).
- Mix it up with your close ups…add toys into some of them or just posing with a vibrator is good too, that stuff is great for collection “cover pic” type stuff. I actually even sell these on their own.
- Now, after you’ve done that move on to photo sets, try to keep a similar position/angle for all pics in a specific outfit. Continuity is key for selling matching sets together. I call this a collection.
- I can only cum like once a day bc my body hates me. So if you are one of the lucky ones that can have multiple orgasims, First of all, I hate you…but secondly after you do a photo masturbation set, you can go ahead and do a video right after in the same outfit.
- I recommend doing what I call a teaser before the grand finale video. Sometimes I will do a few teasers, depending on how I feel that day, how much content I need and/or how sexy I feel in that outfit.
- I always keep my teaser/pleaser mini vids at less than 3mins. I typically do a boobie teaser vid thats a min and a half or less, then a foreplay pleaser vid which is usually 3mins or less.
- Then I do the grand finale video…which takes as long as it takes lol.
Congrat’s you’ve made your first sellable collection! Now let’s talk about labels & pricing!
Labels are a relatively newer feature that Only Fans has added. Basically it allows you to organize each piece of content you upload into categories that help your subscribers navigate quickly to the specific thing they want to see.
I wish they would have added this sooner bc it is an absolute nightmare to scroll through thousands of content pieces in order to update each one with the correct labels! (and no, there isn’t a quick way!)
So with that being said…do the labels.
Do them from the very start and you will have smooth sailing. If you have to go back to add them later, you will hate yourself for not taking an extra second to do it when you uploaded.
Consider fetish types & niche interests as you make your labels. To give you an idea, here are some of mine:

This was probably the absolute hardest for me to figure out. It took a TON of research, comparisons and ultimately…I just invented my own damn system lol.
Nothing else I found or came up with made sense from a small scale alllll the way to a large scale. I wanted fair and affordable pricing for clients but I also wanted to make a bunch of money doing this!
So here’s my menu and the breakdown of my content pricing structure.

The top row is specifically what I post/create whenever I feel like it aka not customs or lives.
The first 2 sections in the top row are the Teaser & Pleaser videos I mentioned in the “Pinks” section above. (Basically 1-3 minute tease stuff & solo content over 3 minutes). I often refer to them as pre-mades & they are posted on my main account feed.
The 3rd category of the top row, is Premium content. Which is similar to Pinks in that I do it whenever I want (as in not custom). However, a major difference is that this content specifically involves another person. As of this exact second I haven’t published one of these yet. (Bet you are surprised!) I will go into detail about why a bit later on.
The middle section is custom…AKA someone asked me to do it for them. I think these are pretty self explanatory, so I’ll just add that you should wait at least a month or so before you take any customs, bc even though they cost a lot, they also take a lot of time.
Here is just the top section of my menu from above:
So to recap, basically the structure breaks down like this:
(The random weekly/monthly Content I post)
FREE ACC $5.00
Includes 2 minutes
Add $3.00 fee per minute for every minute after 2.
Example: $8 for 3min, $11 for 4min, $14 for 4min. etc
CONTENT EXAMPLE: Playing with boobs, butt jiggles, pouring a bottle of water on myself with a white tank top on. Stuff like that.
FREE ACC & PPV $10.00
Includes 1 minute
Add $3.00 charge per minute for every minute after 1.
Example: $13 for 2min, $16 for 3min, $19 for 4min. etc
CONTENT EXAMPLE: Solo masturbation
PPV Base Charge $15.00
Doesn’t Include ANY minutes
$15.00 charge per minute for each minute
Example: $15 for 1min, $30 for 2min, $45 for 3min. etc
CONTENT EXAMPLE: XXX videos of me with another person.
Most people are INCREDIBLY detailed and want customs to be exactly right! Which is great, but sometimes takes a good bit of time and effort to nail. Which is time away from your regular “easy” sellable content. Get established a bit before really diving into this. Don’t turn people away, but don’t advertise it till you are ready.
Make sure your pricing is adequate for the amount of extra time you will likely spend doing these. As you can see, my pricing is significantly higher than my pre-made content. I also included a la cart add ons because I discovered VERY quickly that there are some really, really intricate custom requests that involve a significant amount of materials, props, editing & clean up that honestly aren’t worth it at regular custom rates. WAM is a perfect example of this….
Should I explain that..? Yeah probably…
Ok so WAM stands for Wet & Messy, which sounds innocuous. However, it’s so much more than you think. It should be called SUPER MESSY & degrading. From what I’ve been told it’s basically a fetish that involves visually degrading the object of affection..AKA you. The point is to make the attractive person look unattractive and/or feel humiliated by covering them in various substances. Now to clarify, there are some WAM fetishes that are on the mild spectrum and just use things like whipped cream, paint, jello & mud. However, there is also a VERY dark side to this.
One of the very first custom requests I got was for WAM. He said wanted to order some custom WAM and that he wanted to do a few different ones. Then said he wanted to start with the easiest one bc he didnt want to scare me away. I had no clue what I was in for….so I assured him I wasn’t judgemental and to go ahead and tell me what he really wanted.
So he did.
I plan to post a screenshot of his full request later so you can see an example of how specific it gets…but it will take me a bit to get around to that. In short, he requested 19 different “food” items blended together in increments of 2 or 3, each grouping placed in separate bowls, to be poured on me one by one in a certain order while nude. Canned dog food & raw fish are just 2 from his list.
Now, the bottom section of my full menu will likely differ from anything you do. However, I am going to briefly explain it anyway.
I am an extremely creative person so when I decided to do this, I wanted to use my skills, resources and talents to make my Only Fans really unique and fun. It was important to me to showcase my personality while also doing stuff on OF that other people aren’t doing.
Therefore, I came up with the idea of doing elaborate productions. These involve detailed themes, locations, costumes, props, help of my friends etc in order to pull off….and they are fucking WILD. For example…my next one involves a 9ft tall animatronic Dragon.
You read that correctly.
An actual smoke and fire breathing dragon….
I don’t think I need to say anymore lol.
I only have a few products at the moment because there hasn’t been a tremendous desire for this by my fans…but here is an example of how I structure pricing for these items.

I have a lot of services available but here are just a few to give you an idea of what I do and what I charge.
Obviously you can add whatever services you want. Once you learn your subscribers you will have a better idea of what to offer.
If you want to see my full list check out the services section of my website. If you have questions after doing that, feel free to email me.
I find OF lives to be quite dull. I think this is due to the fact that most subscribers are not online at the same time. Their schedules vary so much that I personally haven’t been able to get an audience higher than 15 yet. I have far more success monetarily on my main account, but I have a higher view count on my free page.
I created a reward system to encourage tips and that did help increase tips and engagement. However, I really do need to come up with more stuff for lives.
Here is my tip reward menu for main account live streams. I use a watered down version of this for my free account.
I highly suggest growing your TikTok following to over 1000 ASAP so you can go live there. Follow trains can help you do that, but ultimately you want real fans interested in you because content engagement WILL help push your page out further.
If you are a gamer, start a Twitch and stream there. I got 60 OF subscriptions from approx 4k viewers on my first Twitch stream. Now I am almost at the point of being able to monetize that platform!
Go live on Instagram & Facebook if nothing else it will help boost your brand. I try to live stream from 2 platforms at the same time whenever possible.
Seek out profiles of your potential target audience. Find other sex workers that look similar to you and follow some of the accounts that follow them. Use search terms to find videos and accounts for people that fit the demographic you want as OF subscribers and go follow them. Like & comment on their videos (not excessively!!!)
Most importantly, make a backup account…especially for TikTok. Mention it from time to time to your followers and tag it in some content just in case you get banned somewhere. Don’t leave it blank after you make it either because then it will just look fake. Add some pics/vids so it’s not empty and make sure to link it back to your main by putting something like “Backup account for @blahblahblah”.
MAIN VS. FREE – What do you post & where?!
Here’s what I do. Ultimately, you have to choose this yourself.
Included Pics: Any non-nude stuff is included such as lingerie, lifestyle, sexy/cute selfies etc. I also include nudes that I love sprinkled in whenever I want (mostly just boob pics or just a butt pic) Enough to keep them interested enough to buy content or sub to my main.
All other types of pics, I sell. $1 per nude, $3 per explicit/penetration.
Included Vids: Teasers that are less than 1 min
All other types of vids I sell, using the formula above.

Included Pics: Any selfie, Lifestyle stuff, Partial Nudes, Implied Nudes, Tasteful Nudes etc. Basically anything you want. I personally don’t post explicit nudes, penetration of any kind or extreme closeup stuff.
Included Vids: All Teasers, Pleasers are included if they are less than 2-3mins. No Premiums unless I am rewarding them (we will discuss that later).
I do however, post a video debut of my Production pieces but this content is only up for a temporary premiere type thing. I announce the day and time it will post, after 1 hour it gets deleted. Then they have to purchase from my free account if they want to rewatch/own it.
*** I will sell non included images & vids via PPV message on my main, but only if they request it from me. ***
Other than that I REFUSE to do PPV, bc it’s annoying…and quite frankly I find it kinda desperate.
Also, my clients like that I don’t spam them.
UPDATE: I AM NOW DOING A LITTLE PPV! Smh…ok let’s discuss!
“Pay Per View”
I hated the idea of PPV messaging from the very start. The reasons were and still are:
- It’s a TON of extra work.
- Clients are annoyed by it. They say it seems impersonal, like a spammy sales pitch (because it is)
- Clients often turn off notifications to your messages which means you don’t get to build a rapport with them.
- You have to separate who you are sending it to, which works ok if you have categorized followers into lists…but it’s a nightmare if you haven’t!
The pros are:
- Extra money bc you can sell to people direct in messaging, instead of just hoping they see your “direct to feed content for sale” post.
- Each one sends them a notification, which guarantees they see it if they have notifications on.
- If you have clients organized into lists, you can directly send targeted videos to people with specific interests. For example if you have a Foot Fetish list, you can send foot PPV just to them and not to everyone.
I started doing it sporadically just on my Free account…and have had moderate success. I’m still unsure if it is worth the trouble/time but I will update this with my thoughts after I have a longer evaluation period.
As soon as you get your first subscriber you will see an option for “Adding to Lists”. I recommend adding EVERYONE to specific lists as they join and update it if needed as you get to know them.
You basically create a list and add people to it. You can make as many lists as you want and you can add subs to more than one…which I highly recommend.
In short, the benefits are:
- You can group people by categories that will help you remember them. Such as shared kinks like I mentioned previously. This will help you make the most out of PPV.
- You can group people by other useful things like their join date, frequent buyers, high rollers etc. This will help you fine tune your direct messages and promotions.
- This will help you reward longevity bc you can easily distinguish your original 30 day subs from your newer ones.
Some clients will never message you and will never reply if you message them. I’ve been told by people I know that do this, that they prefer to watch in the shadows bc they don’t know how to interact or bc they would just prefer not to.
However, these silent watchers will still buy content and usually subscribe for a long while.
I have about 10 that have been on my main for almost 2 years and I have never once spoken to them. I sent a couple messages over the years for various little things but after they never replied I just left them be, for the most part anyway (I still say thank you for tips!).
Others are extremely talkative…and not in the way you would expect. Many of my subscribers fall into this category. They are usually either lonely, single or have a genuine interest in you as a person…or a combo of those things.
These are my favorite clients because I thoroughly enjoy making them feel better in a way that isn’t exclusively just sexually gratifying.
I improve the quality of their actual life! I mean seriously, how beautiful is that?!
It’s nice to feel like I matter to them and it’s even nicer when they tell me what a difference I’ve made for them. Being a trusted confidant and nonjudgmental ear to vent to is really helpful. Especially to those struggling with kinks that aren’t the “norm” or for people that don’t have a close friend to discuss emotional hardships with.
Actually talking to them, will get you further than spamming them pics that show off how many bananas you can fit in your butthole!
I can’t believe you guys are talking advice from a gal that says things like that….lmao. This is literally how I talk in real life too. For real, like a fucking sailor 24/7, practically zero filter.
Seriously tho, the majority of the money I’ve made has been from these type of clients. So keep that in mind as you navigate all of this.
As soon as you get approved (takes a couple days to a couple weeks) and after you have shot new content, go ahead and set your price on the paid one to something around $14.99 for now.
I know what you are thinking….“Gosh that sounds too high”
It’s NOT. You are showing off your body for a bunch of strangers. YOU determine what that is worth, not them, not society and definitely not the porn stars that do this for a living.
The charm of Only Fans is that you are the “people next door”….the teacher, the girl next to you in psych 101, the hot bartender that always winks when he delivers your drink, the waiter thats butt looks too good to ignore when he’s walking away…
If you start your paid account too cheap, you will NEVER be able to raise it without losing subscribers.
It’s better to go too high and have the flexibility to do sales, discounts for longevity, hookups for OG’s that started with you from day 1…than it is for you to continually raise prices after people have already seen practically everything you have to show them.
I set mine at $14.99.
After 60 days I announced that I was gonna do a rate lock in at half price for every single sub that came in on or before my 90 day mark (which was March 17th 2021) as a way to thank them for starting this journey with me.
I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea or not at first….and I panicked bc it’s practically shooting myself in the foot! However, my thought was that it would make them feel special (bc they are!) and it would build more of a report.
Choosing to cut my income by half was a bold ass fucking move…but so far it’s been worth it. Shockingly.
My tips have doubled, have been happening more often and people are buying me more items on my wish list. I don’t know if this will continue or not. However, I can say that people REALLY appreciated it and several have already tipped more than the amount I’m saving them.
You don’t have to do what I did. I mainly chose to do this, because I realized I could hit a lower price point once I had enough followers and wanted to reward the OG’s that helped me kick this off so successfully.
Now that your account is approved, you have content and you have set your pricing, it’s time to post. Let’s discuss this in the order you should post.
Start by uploading ALL the archived images you are comfortable with being public. I suggest setting up folders for images by category inside of Imgur because it can be extremely overwhelming once you get a lot of content.
Next you need to jumpstart your user reddit account by uploading to your profile (and/or you can make a subreddit like I did). I only made a subreddit bc I didn’t want anyone else to come along and take the name.
However, I will add that if you go this route it’s more work and I don’t see any benefits to it yet.
After you upload an image (via Imgur link) to your profile, crosspost it to appropriate subreddits that each image works for. You can crosspost as much as you like to different subreddits but pay VERY close attention to the rules on the right side of each to make sure you are posting the right thing, the right way and not overposting.
It is EXTREMELY easy to fuck this up because mods can and will delete posts for a slew of reasons, many times for something not even listed in their rules. (Yeah I know, annoying af!) In addition to subreddit mod deletes/bans, reddit also has their own bots to aid in spam posts.
When a post is removed, sometimes you will get a notification explaining why, sometimes you don’t.
The easiest way to know for sure is to hit posts at the top of your profile, sort by top and then scroll to the bottom. If something isn’t getting a lot of likes/attention either people didn’t like it, it didn’t fit the theme of the subreddit enough to appeal to your audience OR the post was removed.
If you see one that was removed, write down (yes with actual pen and paper) the name of the subreddit immediately. Next, go to that subreddit, click message mods on the right and then ask why your post was removed.
99% of the time it is bc they need you to verify that you are actually real.
If/when you are notified of the reason and it’s verification related, find out what they require and then decide if you want to go through that process with them or not. I have personally left several subreddits because I did not agree with the type of verification they required in order to post.
Sometimes it’s easy….
Sometimes they require 3 full body nude pics from 3 different angles, join a discord, upload pics, AND need you to include a balled up piece of paper with the name of their subreddit on it…yeah that was one request I got, for a subreddit that wasn’t even NSFW!
As for Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Discord, Twitch, Fetlife and anything else you have. Try to post as often as you can. Obviously, Insta and Twitter are pretty popular so they should be a focus. My insta gets the most attention visually to the public, but my facebook generates more actual subscribers to my only fans.
Shockingly more than anywhere else has.
You will get a lot of likes and follows posting pics on insta but in my experience it’s VERY hard to get an actual conversion from a follower to a paid subscriber. However, I still post once a week or so with the hopes that maybe it’s worth it.
Another thing to be mindful of is exactly what you say in your posts and publicly on social media.
Not because of your crazy, super judgey aunt Susan…but because certain platforms like TikTok forbid any talk/promotion/links to Only Fans accounts.
I’ve heard stories of people getting banned for dropping links or talking about it on Snap or Insta but both have been pretty chill in my experience. There are workarounds for it in some places, like on Insta for example; don’t use the hashtag #onlyfans, instead use #onlyfanz or variation of. The 1st will get you shadowbanned from their feed, the other will not.
Sites like Twitter and fetlife are super chill and will allow you to post your links directly in your profile. Facebook is also pretty cool about it, as you can post in your story and also share the links directly on your page.
With all of these, you also have to be aware of the amount of nudity you show and what is allowed where.
A good workaround for any site that doesn’t allow you the freedom to share obvious OF links, is to create an All My Links account, which you can also now monetize.…yes you read that correctly!!!
Basically this is a super simple link page that you paste each and every social media link you have into, in order to be able to advertise your Only Fans in places that you normally aren’t able to. You can post your All My Links account link anywhere that you can post a URL. So list it on every social media account profile you have and allow users to find all your accounts at once AND make money while doing it!
For example, here’s mine:
They even have stats so you can see exactly how much traffic AKA views/clicks you’ve gotten, where they came from and where they are going. Here’s a screenshot of my 1st 12hrs on:

I highly suggest that you take advantage of this, especially if you don’t have a website or a way to monetize your content outside of Only Fans. Now, they do take 20% of everything you make, same as Only Fans. However, it’s really easy to get people to buy content this way because they don’t have to have a special account to gain access to it and they don’t have to wait for you to send/upload anything.
You can set up these sellable links up as one-offs OR monthly subscription based!
It’s hella cool and hella fucking convenient.
In my opinion, the smartest way you can use this resource, is to make private sellable links to individual albums on Google Drive, Dropbox or Imgur. For example you make a “Bubble Bath Album” in Google Drive, then copy the link and post it into “All My Links” as a sellable link. Anyone clicking on that link has to pay to view it, which gets automatically sent to your paypal account!
Boom…cash…just like that!
You are allowed to post All My Links” on EVERY SOCIAL MEDIA SITE. So you can promote & sell content 24/7 from anywhere just by making a couple albums! You could skip OF & sites like it all together if you really wanted to.
Yeah…I know, clever right?! I don’t always toot my own horn, but this hack deserves it!
It’s a GREAT option for anyone that wants to buy content but can’t purchase via Only Fans because it shows up on their statement. It’s also great for people that want a taste of what you have without making a monthly commitment to your OF. Lastly, it’s great for grouping similar content together, such as fetish items (great for reddit in particular). If you smoke, you could make a Smoking album or an album about just foot stuff without overwhelming your Only Fans with heavy fetish specific posts that may not interest them.
Click HERE in order to start cashing in on this super useful FREE resource!
FYI you must set up your payout info for the “sellable link” feature to unlock when you add a new link!
Click HERE for a neat FAQ on their site to learn more about the monetization aspect.
A similar website to Only Fans is Patreon. I made one years ago but it was difficult for me to keep up with because of the structure, so it basically faded into oblivion until recently when I decided to relaunch. One thing I will say for mine is that it gets front page search results on my public pics…and continued to do so during the 3 years I left it inactive. That’s pretty damn impressive.
I don’t have much to add here for now, since I literally just restarted it but I will update this soon after I’ve had time to re-evaluate it.
At this point, you should have already uploaded a lot (if not all) of future auto-posts from your archived images to BOTH of your OF accounts. Either you used my method above in MAIN VS FREE…..or you have figured out your own system to determine which account you post each content type in.
With whichever way you choose, go ahead and start scheduling auto-posting of your new content (specifically GRAYS & PINKS as talked about above!) Make sure to follow the previous pattern that we did for your archives.
I also incorporate cool stuff like polls, contests and other interactive things to boost engagement and help fill space between content posts. In relation to polls, contests, sales & promotions, I have made some downloadable graphics for you to use free of charge. Click HERE to open that in a seperate tab
Remember, I suggest scheduling a minimum of 1 autopost per day on week days and 2-3 per day on Fri, Sat and Sunday when you first launch!
By this point you should be well on your way to building a following and getting some clicks/crossover to your various accounts.
You really need to post everywhere you can, as often as you can, all while flying under the radar of sites that hate sex workers.
A difficult task I know….
I ended up making a schedule in order to manage this. I set specific days for specific sites after evaluating best days/times for each site. It is also extremely helpful to make note of which sites allow you to auto post.
If I could go back in time, knowing what I do now I would schedule my first social media auto posts at the same time as scheduling my OF launch and OF auto postings.
The key to building a following is to be seen…to get seen, you have to be popular or very diligent in your social media strategy.
It’s a tremendous help to have all your platforms working together at the exact same time while you are working on future content. The majority of my existence is working 3-6mos in the future at all times. Which was very hard to do retroactively but thanks to the help of several of my friends, we pulled it off.
My schedule:
SUNDAY | Filming | Twitch Live Stream |
MONDAY | Filming | Self Care & Future Promos |
TUESDAY | Editing | OF Auto Posting |
WEDNESDAY | Editing | Social Media Auto Posting |
THURSDAY | Editing | PPV & Social Live Stream |
FRIDAY | Non-Auto Social Posts | Non-Auto Social Posts |
SATURDAY | Prep for Filming | Private Live Stream |
Many creators do Shoutouts, called S4S which stands for “Shout For Shout”. In the past OF had no limit for these, so it became common for people to blast their free OF accounts with advertisements for other creators. As time went on, creators with a large following discovered they could sell those shoutout spots to creators with a smaller followings in order to increase their revenue.
Now OF has limited how many shoutouts you can do per day to just 5. Which includes shoutouts you make to your own page (if you have both a free and a paid account like I do).
Personally, I’ve never done any of these, paid or otherwise.
There are 2 main reasons behind why I never really tried it.
1. When I first started I only knew 2 girls doing this and both of them were a lot smaller than myself and neither had any tattoos. So I assumed that their subscribers probably weren’t gonna like someone extremely different than the person they are subscribing to.
If you decide to go this route, I suggest starting with a creator that looks similar to you. For example if you are a thicker tattooed gal like I am, target curvy alt models to do S4S with. You don’t have to stick with this at all but if you are paying for a shoutout, then invest in a promotion that is likely to pay off.
2. The second reason was because of the abundance of fake accounts. It was so difficult to tell real from fake at first and I didnt want to waste my money or assist in promoting pages that were scamming people.

The main reason I suggest making your subscription price high is so you can do sales & promotions easily without losing all your profit.
Here are a few examples of things that will earn a reward on my pages:
- OG’s aka Long time followers
- Subscribers that are really engaged with my content (Likes, Comments, Shares)
- Subscribers that follow me on social media sites also
- Big Tippers or Frequent Tippers
- Subscribers with auto-renew on
As I mentioned previously, I’m also a graphic artist & I used to work in marketing for 8 years. So creating sales, promotions, advertisements was my job. I decided to share some of the ones I made to help with your pages.
Here are a couple examples of ones I’ve done:
Click below to open a new tab & download the ones you want:

I also offer custom logos & banners made specifically FOR you!
Just use my referral link to join Only Fans and then email me some pictures of yourself, colors you like and details of what you want.
If you use my link you will get 6 custom banners. Here is an example of a logo I just made for reference.
I also offer branding packages if you want more than just some free banners! In addition to logos & banners I can do Stream Overlays, Discord Icons, GIF’s, Promo Videos and probably anything else you need! Hell I even make my own shirts, branded my own vehicle and yes I also build websites…for cheaper than you see online because I have my own server! (I built this one & ALL the graphics!)
Email me for pricing
Here are some samples of the above mentioned items that I made for myself:
Only Fans has a promotional section. In this, you can create FREE trial links to your page or offer discounts directly to new or expired subscribers that go to your profile page. When you create a free trial link you decide the duration of the trial and when the link will expire.
For example you can do a flash sale and offer a 24 hour free trial with an expiration of 1 week. That link will die after a week, so if you post it on Twitter and someone clicks on it a month later. It will still take them to your profile but it will say “sorry this link has expired”.
After a lot of trial and error, I decided it was best for me to have no expiration date on trial links. I think it helped me to get more shares, more subs and also easier to keep track of.
One thing I ended up doing later that turned out to be unbelievably helpful, was to create individual free trials for specific platforms. I’ll explain why this is so great in a second!
Start by making a document somewhere, I use Google docs/drive for everything. Then make a chart or list kinda like this:
(please note that these examples are fake links for sample purposes)
FREE ONLY FANS | | | | | ||| | |||
Copy the link for each trial link you make and post it in the chart to where it belongs. Then every time you run a promo or share links, open this document and grab the link to where you are posting your promo. If you want to do a 7 day trial on Twitter, grab that link and post it.
Now as to why this is so important, first this is a much quicker way to access all your links at once without having to search and click through a bunch of stuff on OF to get there.
The second reason is for tracking!
Pay attention to the code aspect of these links. We are gonna use the 24 hour link posted on our FREE ONLY FANS account as the example.
This “slug” section of the link is the key part because it is unique to that specific link! Meaning that if you make 10 different 7 day trial links and post each one on a specific platform, then you now have a way to track that EXACT link!!!
Each trial OF link will show the full code (when you copy it), trial details and the amount of people that subscribed from it.
That is how I found out that Facebook, of all places was where most of my subscriber traffic was coming from! Which encouraged me to post there more often and also gear more contests and promotions there.
As of TODAY Oct 2022, OF has FINALLY included a section called Tracking links! The method I explained above is waaaaaaaay better tho!!!! So while it’s a great idea to make and use their tracking links, you aren’t gonna get nearly the amount of subscribers from it because these tracking links are merely just links to your profile and don’t have any discount encouragement behind them.
If you want a simple way to track traffic and conversion then I would suggest trying them out.
These specific links are located in your profile settings near subscription pricing. Click to add one and then you type which platform you want it for. It seems to just add 2 digit “slugs” after your hyperlink, so for example my Twitter one is c1….in full it reads:
If you end up making a full time job out of OF like myself, you may want to consider switching to my method, unless OF improves theirs because mine allows for much more specific tracking use. For example, I was curious if I could narrow my method down enough to figure out which site people spend most of their time on during specific Holidays. Turns out you can.
I made Valentine’s day promo links for each platform and sent them out. Learned that those results were very different than previous non-holiday months. Which basically told me which platform to focus on during February.
I even tested some posting days & times with this method and it worked. Explaining that is pretty complicated and I’m sure you would fall asleep reading it. So I’ll just leave it at my method is great if you want to get super serious about all of this. If not, take these easier route, it will still help you narrow your focus.
Just by nature of the business you are likely to run into scammers more often than you would like. So let’s talk about them more in depth…….
Oh boy, could I write a book on this subject!?!
(haha this is extra funny, bc I did actually do that)
Anyway, Only Fans scammers are out in droves….holy crap. It should always be expected that with every new trendy thing, there will be scammers involved and this is no exception….and they are gooooood.
They are masquerading as promotional/marketing companies, fellow OF creators, fans, fake “Only Fans” corporate pages, bullshit fake subreddits, discord channels etc etc. Their bullshit knows no bounds.
The most recent scam I discovered and quite likely the worst are these pic collector types. They either sub to your free account to steal pics or…they trick you into handing pics and/or vid over in exchange for promotions. Below is a screenshot I took on Reddit March 1st, 2021 showing how these people collect and then sell OUR fucking pics!!!

This one, really, really pisses me off and kinda makes me not want to do OF/Reddit or any of this anymore.
The groups mentioned here have their own OF accounts, subreddits and Twitter, offering promotions for a fee and you get a discount for sending a video for them to use. One of these accounts is MASSIVE and is selling content to it’s few real OF subscribers and then bundling the rest to sell to random people via Reddit and other sites.
I made a post in this EXACT group right after, offering paid promo spots on my account (exactly what this reddit is supposed to be for) However, it’s clearly not for that bc my post was removed even tho it was literally THE ONLY one on the whole 1st page that actually used this subreddit as intended by the description.
This guy’s post…was allowed to stay.
So yeah, this is bullshit. I reported them…and you should too. It’s the only way that we can help prevent it.

Moving on….
I discovered many, many types…and I’m not going to break each one down for you bc we would be here all day. I’m just gonna layout some of the common things I’ve seen since I started and hope it’s enough to steer you clear of them.
- They don’t have a website or other social media sites outside of wherever they contacted you.
- They ONLY accept payment via Only Fans or via friends & family on Paypal. (These methods don’t allow you to get your money back).
- They are a content creator with a large following and want to give you a shoutout for free.
- They are a content creator and want to suggest this awesome promo company they used.
- Their account is brand new.
- The pics on their OF only show neck down, no face.
- Their OF content is ALL locked, not a single pic available to see.
- They have very few total accounts. Like an insta and nothing else…or an OF and an insta but nothing else.
- They only have a few pics, usually no vids or very few vids on their OF.
- The instagram ones usually ONLY do vids and no pics, bc then they can “prove stats” by showing off number of views, which actually means nothing bc it counts as a view each time you watch your own video
- They use very, very short sentences, call you generic names like babe, hun etc and they are overly pushy.
- If you ask for reviews, before and afters every time you get contacted, you will start to see that all these scammers use the exact same reviews/screenshots/texts/emails to “prove their skills”
- The amount of likes/comments on their posts seem unusually low for the amount of follows that they have.
- The comments on their posts (Insta or OF) look super generic and slightly off. Think copy and paste crap, just emojis, comments that are replicas of other comments or words or phrases that just don’t seem to fit the typical thing you/any of your friends would say. For example one of the BIGGEST scam companies I saw for OF, is on reddit and they also have an OF page. They have a MASSIVE following on both. Their OF has over 150k follows and when I scrolled through comments on 6 different pics, I found identical comments on all 6. (Really confused as to how they could even get a page on OF, since it’s very obvious that they are just pic collectors that are profiting off other peoples nudity…but anyway)
- Ask them to send links to their other social media accounts to prove they are real. If they find you on Insta, ask for a link to their Twitter or vise versa. Scammers don’t bother making multiple accounts under the same name and the few that do, don’t post often enough on each of them to look real.
- Ask for reviews or before and afters screenshots….most scammers use the exact same reviews/screenshots/texts/emails to “prove their skills”. So once you’ve seen a few, you will start to notice the same “OF usernames” or the text threads with identical wording.
- Google their username with key words like Only Fans to see if you can find another creator with similar name or same pics. Many scammers use names of existing adult creators or variations of. For example, one I saw was the name of an existing creator but they used a Z in place of an X or they will add extra numbers/letters to the end of a real creators username. Like @jennastarlightxxx or @jennastarlight69
In closing on this subject, if you DO PAY SOMEONE (that you do not personally know, that you can’t verify is a real actual person, that you can’t 100% prove is doing legitimate business) for ANYTHING related to promotions/shoutouts for OF (or anything really)… least do it via paypal merchant services (Not friends & family!) or Cashaspp so that you have some type of recourse when it comes to getting your money back.
After you see zero results or fake results, you can dispute the charge with either one and bc these scammers have no way to prove they are legit, Paypal/Your bank will return the money. Takes a while, but they will.
Good Luck!
Remember me when you get rich and famous! Seriously tho, even with a successful Only Fans, I’m still a broke ass fucking bitch.
P.S. I plan to add several more sections to this in the future, including screenshots from my account, before & after of account details for the people I’ve helped, a section about pricing structure related to other services you can do within OF…such as video calls, messaging, lives etc.
I also plan to add some downloadable menus/graphics etc for you to use on your accounts….free of charge.
However, I am far too busy to even attempt all that at this juncture. So just check back periodically.
If you guys like what I’ve got here so far and it’s helped you out, throw me some tips, refer a friend, give me a shoutout on your OF….and I’ll add even more.
If you have questions, feel free to message me on my free account:
or you can email me at:
Cashapp $JennaStarlight